SAP Marketing Cloud – Permission Import failing due to duplicate Records


A marketing permission import containing several permissions in the payload is failing with the following error:

“Multiple permissions with the same key at &1 found. Processing rejected.”

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
SAP Marketing OnPremise starting with release 1709

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a contact with with different source IDs but similar communication details like email, mobile or phone ID.
    contact origins.jpg
  2. Import marketing permissions either via API API_MKT_CONTACT_SRV or via the Data File Load app. The API or CSV payload contains permissions records for the same contact.
  3. Observe that the permissions import is failing with the following error in the import monitor.
    error msg.jpg 
  4. On checking the payloads in detail, you observe that the permissions were imported for different IDs.
    import payload.jpg


Marketing permission import requires two pairs of contact IDs – one pair of contact ID origin and ID for identifying the contact (CONTACT_ORIGIN and CONTACT_ID) and one pair of contact ID origin and ID for setting the marketing permission (PERMISSION_FACET_ID_ORIGIN and PERMISSION_FACET_ID).

import design.jpg

The CONTACT_ORIGIN and CONTACT_ID pair is used for identifying the contact. After the contact is determined, the CONTACT_ORIGIN and CONTACT_ID information is discarded, as the permission processing happens on contact level but not on ID level – after the contact is determined, technically the processing happens via CONTACT_KEY and PERMISSION_FACET_ID_ORIGIN and PERMISSION_FACET_ID.

The CONTACT_ORIGIN and CONTACT_ID information is not persisted after the import.


  1. Avoid importing permission data with payloads for the same contact and permission IDs (so CONTACT_KEY and PERMISSION_FACET_ID_ORIGIN and PERMISSION_FACET_ID).
  2. One suggestion to avoid that error is to separate the permission imports from different sources, so to implement the permissions from each source system individually.

See Also

Please also refer to the following KBAs for information about further permission import errors:

SAP Marketing Cloud – How to save personalization settings in Fiori apps in SAP Marketing Cloud


You want to store your personalization settings for tables in Fiori apps. For example, Campaign List or Contacts app.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to for example Campaign List app
  2. Unhide additional column, for example campaign id
  3. Sort id descending
  4. Leave app and/or session
  5. Logon again and go to Campaign List app: Personalizations are not stored


  1. Select the desired settings under the Settings option
  2. Or change the column widths
  3. Notice that a star appears with the keyword Standard
  4. Click standard variant and it will open a pop-up
  5. Click Save As and provide a name for variant. Select Select as Default option to set this variant as default
  6. Settings are now saved in the new variant

NOTE: Every time making a change via settings, a * will appear which will allow user to save again.

SAP Cloud for Customer | C4C – Button To Create New Campaign Is Missing In C4C


New button to create campaign is missing from Campaigns view in Sales Campaign work center.


SAP Cloud for Customer, SAP Marketing Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

1. Go to the Sales Campaign work center.
2. Go to the Campaigns view.
3. New button is missing from the top right of this OWL page.


Scoping question “Do you want to query marketing permissions and subscriptions information from an external application to your cloud solution?” is checked in the Business Configuration, as a result of which the New button is disabled.


If you want to create new campaigns, please uncheck the question.

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Click Edit Project Scope.
  4. Go to Step 4. Questions.
  5. Expand scoping element Communication and Information Exchange > Integration with External Applications and Solutions > Integration of Master Data > Business Partners.
  6. Uncheck the question “Do you want to query marketing permissions and subscriptions information from an external application to your cloud solution?”.
    Please note that this will have effect on the part of the Cloud for Customer system where you show the Marketing permissions and subscription from an external application, such as SAP Marketing Cloud.

Marketing Cloud Content studio – Missing language in the drop-down list when creating an email


Only certain languages are available in the language drop down list when creating a new email or a new email template in the Content Studio App.


SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud – SAP Marketing Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Content Studio App
  2. Click Create button
  3. Create new e-mail
  4. Check the list of languages under Language dropdown
  5. Look for and try to choose the desired language
  6. The language that you are looking for is not there.


The reason for this is that the texts that describe personalization attributes, which are ID fields (such as Title ID) are only translated in the system if you can also log on to the system in the same language.


The system is working as designed because during the creation of a new email or mail template, you can only use those languages, which are available as logon languages.