SAP Marketing Cloud – Import Monitor does no longer visualize Data for Imports

After the SAP Marketing Cloud tenant upgrade to Release 1911, the ‘Data’ bubble in the Import Monitor is no longer working – the payload for failed imports can no longer be displayed.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the Import Monitor and navigate to an import in status error.
  2. Use the ‘Data’ bubble to visualize the payload for the failed import.
    data bubble.jpg
  3. Observe that the payload is not displayed as expected. Instead the ‘Data’ bubble disappears.
    data bubble failed.jpg


SMC Release 1911 introduced new authorization control for displaying payloads of imported data. Authorizations are now controlled via business catalog ‘Marketing – Settings for Import Header Payload’ SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_IHP_PC.


  • Open the related business role of the affected user in the ‘Maintain Business User’ app
  • Assign the business catalog ‘Marketing – Settings for Import Header Payload’ to the business role

business catalog.jpg

  • Enable display authorization in the business role restrictions settings as required either for ‘Error’ or ‘Success’ Imports or both
